Mirage 2000

2024 - 6 - 7

Frankrig donerer Mirage 2000-jagerfly til Ukraine og træner piloter

Emmanuel Macron - Frankrig - Mirage 2000 - Ukraine - Volodymyr Zelenskiy

Frankrig har annonceret donationen af Mirage 2000-jagerfly til Ukraine og vil træne deres piloter, Macron bekendtgjorde dette under præsident Zelenskiys besøg i Frankrig.

Frankrig vil forsyne Ukraine med Mirage 2000-5 jagerfly og træne ukrainske piloter i en ny militær samarbejdsindsats, meddelte den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron. Den franske præsident bekræftede denne beslutning under præsident Zelenskiys besøg i Frankrig i forbindelse med D-Day-jubilæumsfejringen. Macron tilbød også Ukraine muligheden for at bruge franske våben til at angribe mål i Rusland, som er rettet mod Ukraine.

Beslutningen om at donere overskydende Dassault Mirage 2000-kampfly til Ukraine kommer på et strategisk tidspunkt, og det forventes at styrke Ukraines luftforsvar markant. Samtidig vil ukrainske piloter få mulighed for at uddanne sig i Frankrig og overtage styringen af disse Mirage 2000-fly. Denne aftale markerer en ny fase i det militære samarbejde mellem Frankrig og Ukraine, der står over for udfordringerne i den nuværende konflikt.

Under ceremonierne til minde om D-Day bekræftede den franske præsident Macron, at Mirage 2000-5 jagerflyene vil blive overført til Ukraine for at støtte landet i dets forsvar. Denne handling anses for at være et betydeligt skridt i retning af at styrke Ukraines forsvarskapacitet og position i regionen. Macron's engagement i at forsyne Ukraine med avancerede kampfly og træne dets piloter understreger Frankrigs støtte til Ukraines suverænitet og territoriale integritet.

Som en interessant kendsgerning kan det nævnes, at Mirage 2000 er et af de mest avancerede og velrenommerede kampfly i verden, der har været i tjeneste i flere luftvåben i årtier. Disse Mirage 2000-5-fly vil give Ukraine en betydelig luftkapacitet og evne til at styrke deres nationale forsvar effektivt og målrettet.

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Image courtesy of "DefenseNews.com"

France to supply Mirage 2000-5 jets to Ukraine, train pilots (DefenseNews.com)

The French president also said Ukraine can use French arms to attack locations in Russia from where the country is being targeted.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

France to provide Mirage 2000 warplanes to Ukraine, Macron says (Reuters)

Macron said that on Friday, on the occasion of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's visit to France as part of D-Day anniversary celebrations, his ...

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Ukraine Will Get Ex-French Mirage 2000-5 Fighters (Forbes)

France will donate surplus Dassault Mirage 2000 fighters to Ukraine, French Pres. Emmanuel Macron announced on Thursday. The timing of the announcement—the ...

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

Macron to supply Ukraine with Mirage 2000-5 warplanes and train ... (FRANCE 24)

France will transfer Mirage-2000 fighter jets to Ukraine and train their Ukrainian pilots as part of a new military cooperation with Kyiv as it fights the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Aviationist"

France To Supply Mirage 2000-5 Combat Aircraft To Ukraine (The Aviationist)

Macron has announced plans to supply Mirage 2000-5 fighters to Ukraine and facilitate the training of Ukrainian fighter pilots in France.

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Image courtesy of "Kyiv Post"

France to Supply Ukraine with Mirage-2000 Jets and Train Pilots in ... (Kyiv Post)

During the upcoming meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Friday, Macron plans to offer Zelensky a training program for Ukrainian pilots to start this ...

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Image courtesy of "AeroTime News Hub"

France announces transfer of Mirage 2000 fighters to Ukraine (AeroTime News Hub)

Amid the D-Day commemorative ceremonies, French President Macron confirmed the transfer of Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets to Ukraine to help the country defend ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo Lifestyle"

Zelenskiy hopes to see Mirage 2000 jets in Ukraine soon after ... (Yahoo Lifestyle)

Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy thanked France on Friday for its support and said he hoped to see French jets in Ukrainian skies soon, ...

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Image courtesy of "U.S. News & World Report"

Zelenskiy Hopes to See Mirage 2000 Jets in Ukraine Soon After ... (U.S. News & World Report)

PARIS (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy thanked France on Friday for its support and said he hoped to see French jets in Ukrainian skies ...

Ukraine conflict: France to send Mirage 2000 combat aircraft ... (Jane's)

France is to donate Dassault Mirage 2000 combat aircraft to Kyiv, French President Emmanuel Macron said on 6 June.

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Image courtesy of "Kurdistan24"

France to Send Mirage-2000 Fighter Jets to Ukraine (Kurdistan24)

President Macron's announcement coincided with the start of an official visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Zelenskiy welcomes French promises of Mirage 2000 warplanes to ... (Reuters)

Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy said on Friday he hoped to see French-supplied warplanes in Ukrainian skies soon after President Emmanuel Macron ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Mirage 2000-5: How The Fighter Jets Compare to Ukraine's F-16s (Newsweek)

Emmanuel Macron, the President of France said in a statement to the French paper, Le Figaro that "the moment for peace can only come if Ukraine resists." This ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo Lifestyle"

France to provide Mirage 2000 warplanes to Ukraine, Macron says (Yahoo Lifestyle)

France plans to provide Mirage 2000 warplanes to Ukraine, President Emmanuel Macron told French TV stations on Thursday. Macron said that on Friday, ...

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Image courtesy of "Airforce Technology"

France plan to transfer Mirage 2000-5 fighters to Ukraine (Airforce Technology)

France announced that it will provide Mirage 2000-5 combat aircraft and teach 4500 Ukrainian fighter pilots to fly operate them.

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Image courtesy of "The Kyiv Independent"

What are France's Mirage 2000-5 jets, and how can Ukraine use ... (The Kyiv Independent)

During the D-Day commemorations in Normandy on June 6, French President Emmanuel Macron declared that Paris would give Kyiv an unspecified number of Mirage ...

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