Et enormt jordskred har ramt Papua Ny Guinea og mange frygtes døde. Læs historien her!
Et massivt jordskred har ramt Papua Ny Guinea og ført til en tragisk skæbne for mere end 670 mennesker. Den Internationale Organisation for Migration estimerer, at over 2000 mennesker kan være begravet i ruinerne efter jordskredet, hvilket har gjort redningsarbejdet ekstremt udfordrende. Desperate redningsfolk kæmper for at nå overlevende, mens vejspærringer og ustabilt terræn gør redningsarbejdet farligt. Selvom et par har formået at overleve jordskredet, så er situationen stadig kritisk, og håbet om at finde flere overlevende er svindende.
På trods af den massive indsats for at redde overlevende, er redningsarbejdet blevet bremset af blokerede veje og farlige forhold. Ifølge FN er over 2000 mennesker stadig savnet, så det er en fortsat kamp for at finde ud af det præcise antal omkomne og sårede. Med jorden fortsat i bevægelse er redningsarbejdet en farlig opgave, og redningsfolk står over for konstante udfordringer for at nå folk i nød. Den tragiske situation i Papua Ny Guinea har mobiliseret internationale hjælpeorganisationer for at støtte redningsarbejdet og yde nødhjælp til de berørte familier.
I Papua Ny Guinea fortsætter redningsfolkene deres heroiske indsats for at redde overlevende og give hjælp til de ramte efter det forfærdelige jordskred. Den internationale støtte til landet er afgørende for at tackle katastrofens omfang og redde så mange liv som muligt. Folk over hele verden sender deres tanker og bønner til ofrene for dette forfærdelige naturfænomen.
The International Organization for Migration on Sunday increased its estimate of the death toll from a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea to more than ...
The International Organization for Migration said emergency responders have little hope of finding survivors after Friday's disaster.
A Papua New Guinea government official has told the United Nations more than 2000 people are believed to have been buried alive by a landslide Friday.
The land is still sliding and rescue is difficult, the head of the UN migration agency says.
The International Organization for Migration has increased its estimate of the death toll from a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea to more than 670.
A once-bustling village in Enga province was almost wiped out when a piece of Mount Mungalo collapsed early Friday morning, burying homes and the people ...
More than 48 hours after the disaster, its full extent remains unclear, with aid slow to reach survivors and conditions on the ground still dangerous.
Just getting to survivors has proved to be an enormous challenge, with a blocked highway and unstable ground “posing ongoing danger” to rescue workers.
More than 2000 people are feared to be buried alive, though the exact toll has been hard to establish.
Two found alive as overnight rains raise fears tonnes of rubble covering the area could become dangerously unstable.
We have not yet been able to verify an estimate of missing, injured and dead people,” a U.N. official said of the landslide that hit Enga province.
More than 2000 people could be buried alive by a massive landslide in Papua New Guinea last week, the government said on Monday, as treacherous terrain and ...
Emergency crews are struggling to access a remote village in Enga Province in the north of Papua New Guinea where a landslide is believed to have killed ...
The government figure is roughly triple the U.N. estimate of victims killed in the South Pacific island nation's interior. Estimates of the casualties have ...
As many as 2000 people are feared to have been buried by last week's massive landslide in Papua New Guinea, according to the country's National Disaster ...
The Papua New Guinea government said more than 2000 people are believed to have been buried alive in a landslide in the South Pacific island nation.
The government figure is roughly triple the U.N. estimate of 670 killed by Friday's landslide in the South Pacific island nation's mountainous interior.