Uenighed med Bing's API forårsager problemer for Copilot, DuckDuckGo og ChatGPT-brugere. Læs mere om nedturen her!
Microsofts Bing søgemaskine står over for en uventet nedetid, der har påvirket brugen af tjenester som Copilot, DuckDuckGo og ChatGPT. Årsagen til problemet ligger i en fejl med Bing's API, som midlertidigt har lammet søgefunktionen for brugere af disse populære platforme. Selvom Microsoft har bekræftet undersøgelser af Copilot, har virksomheden ikke fuldt ud erkendt det bredere omfang af udfaldet. Der pågår en omfattende undersøgelse, og årsagen til problemet er stadig ukendt.
Brugere over hele verden er ramt af nedetiden, der omfatter web- og mobilversioner af Copilot, Bing-søgning, ChatGPT og endda DuckDuckGo. Trods en delvis genoprettelse af søgningen er Bing Maps stadig offline, hvilket skaber frustration blandt brugerne. Selskabet har indrømmet et problem med en 'Xeet' og arbejder hårdt på at bringe tjenesterne tilbage i drift hurtigst muligt.
I mellemtiden fortsætter nedetiden, og brugerne rapporterer om problemer med at få adgang til Copilot, Bing og ChatGPT-tjenesterne. Det globale omfang af udfaldet har skabt spekulationer om årsagen og forventning om en hurtig løsning fra Microsoft. Mens brugen af disse tjenester er midlertidigt påvirket, arbejder teknikere på højtryk for at rette fejlen og genoprette fuld funktionalitet.
Kaosen fortsætter, og brugere verden over venter utålmodigt på en løsning på nedetiden, der har ramt Bing, Copilot og DuckDuckGo. Med hængende spørgsmål om, hvornår tjenesterne vender tilbage til normal drift, er den tekniske fejl stadig under efterforskning, og Microsoft står over for udfordringer med at bringe deres tjenester tilbage online.
An issue with Bing's API has apparently disabled search for Copilot, DuckDuckGo, and ChatGPT users. OpenAI is investigating the cause.
Microsoft tweeted that it was investigating an issue with Copilot, but the company doesn't appear to have admitted to a broader problem. We're investigating an ...
A massive Microsoft outage in some regions affects Bing.com, Copilot for web and mobile, Copilot in Windows, ChatGPT internet search and DuckDuckGo.
At the time of writing, Search was back and Bing Maps still offline. Microsoft confirmed that there were problems with a Xeet at 0846 UTC, noting "an issue ...
TECH NEWS : Microsoft services, including Bing and Copilot, are facing a widespread outage. Users are unable to access these services, with complaints on ...
Multiple Microsoft services including Bing and Copilot, along with ChatGPT internet search and DuckDuckGo are down in Europe.
Copilot, Microsoft's AI assistant, and search engine Bing were not working for users across the globe. The company says it's “investigating” the issue.
Multiple Microsoft services, including Copilot and Bing, are experiencing outages right now. The outages also affect ChatGPT's ability to search the web and ...
Microsoft Bing Search and Copilot, the GPT-4 AI chatbot currently seem to be down and not accessible for many across the globe.
The rest of ChatGPT stills works, but its internet search functionality is affected. donreisingerauthorphoto-390598. Written by Don Reisinger, ...
Microsoft's Bing search engine is currently experiencing an outage that's also affecting services relying on the Bing API such as DuckDuckGo and ChatGPT.
The issues started around 3 AM ET (8 AM WAT) and seem to be linked to Bing's API and any service that depends on it.
Even Microsoft's AI-powered Designer isn't working and can't produce images. Bleeping Computer reported the outage at 4:44 am (ET) today, and Microsoft's ...
During this week's Build 2024 developer conference, Microsoft announced a private preview of GitHub Copilot for Azure, which lets developers use the AI pair ...
During this week's Build 2024 developer conference, Microsoft announced a private preview of GitHub Copilot for Azure, which lets developers use the AI pair ...