David Copperfield

2024 - 5 - 16

David Copperfield i Midten af ​​Sexskandale: Illusionisten Anklages for Seksuelle Overgreb

Chloe Gosselin - David Copperfield - illusionisme - seksuelt misbrug

Skandaler om seksuelle overgreb omgiver den verdensberømte illusionist David Copperfield. Læs mere om de chokerende anklager her!

David Copperfield, den verdensberømte illusionist, står midt i en storm af sexskandaler. Flere kvinder beskylder stjernemagikeren for at have drugged, groomed, angrebet og krænket dem. Trods påstandene nægter Copperfields advokater enhver involvering i de påståede handlinger.

En Guardian-undersøgelse afslører, at hele 16 kvinder har rejst anklager om seksuelle overgreb og upassende adfærd mod David Copperfield. Kvinder hævder, at de blev udvalgt fra publikum af den berømte entertainer og udsat for seksuelt misbrug.

Det chokerende omfang af anklager mod David Copperfield inkluderer påstande om chikane, grooming og drugging af kvinder før seksuelle møder. Situationen bliver yderligere kompliceret af lighederne mellem nogle anklager mod Copperfield og de mod Jeffrey Epstein, en tidligere bekendt til illusionisten.

Epsteins ofre ønsker information om David Copperfield, og anklagerne mod ham rejser spørgsmål omkring magikerens handlinger. Mens Copperfield kæmper for sit ry, er hans partner, Chloe Gosselin, også kommet i rampelyset for deres forhold. David Copperfields karriere som en af landets mest berømte illusionister er nu kastet ind i en turbulent tid.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

David Copperfield: Magician accused of sexual misconduct (BBC News)

Lawyers for the illusionist say the allegations are "false and scurrilous".

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Image courtesy of "Vulture"

David Copperfield Accused of Drugging, Grooming, Assault (Vulture)

Multiple women are accusing star magician David Copperfield of drugging, grooming, assault, groping, and other misconduct. Copperfield's lawyers denied all ...

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Image courtesy of "Hollywood Reporter"

Sixteen Women Accuse David Copperfield of Sexual Misconduct (Hollywood Reporter)

Magician David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior made by 16 women, according to a Guardian investigation.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'I honest to God believe I was drugged': magician David ... (The Guardian)

The Guardian US investigated claims that the famed entertainer selected girls and women from his audiences and subjected them to sexual misconduct and ...

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Image courtesy of "Rolling Stone"

Magician David Copperfield Accused of Grooming, Groping, and ... (Rolling Stone)

David Copperfield faces misconduct allegations from 16 women, including claims of groping, grooming, and drugging women before sexual encounters.

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

David Copperfield faces numerous allegations of sexual misconduct ... (USA TODAY)

Magician David Copperfield is facing numerous allegations of sexual misconduct, stemming from an extensive investigation by The Guardian.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Beast"

Epstein's Victims Wanted Info on David Copperfield (Daily Beast)

The famous illusionist now stands accused of grooming minors. Some of the claims bear eerie similarities to those against his old pal Jeffrey Epstein.

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Image courtesy of "AS English"

Who is Chloe Gosselin, David Copperfield's partner? (AS English)

Celebrity magician David Copperfield- whose real name is David Seth Kotkin- is widely regarded as one of the most famous illusionists in the country, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Week Magazine"

David Copperfield faces sexual misconduct claims (The Week Magazine)

More than half of the accusers say they were under 18 at the time of the incidents, and three claim Copperfield drugged them before having sex with them. Others ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Former teen models accuse magician David Copperfield of ... (The Guardian)

Some allege harassment, one claims she was sexually assaulted. His lawyers deny the allegations.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

David Copperfield denies 16 women's misconduct allegations (Los Angeles Times)

Famed illusionist David Copperfield is denying accusations made by 16 women alleging decades-spanning sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior.

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Image courtesy of "NewsNation Now"

David Copperfield accused of sexual misconduct (NewsNation Now)

Sixteen women are accusing magician David Copperfield of sexual misconduct, three of whom say he drugged them in order to have sex with them.

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Image courtesy of "News3LV"

Las Vegas illusionist David Copperfield facing multiple sexual ... (News3LV)

Multiple women have come forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Las Vegas headlining illusionist David Copperfield.A report published Wednesday ...

David Copperfield Accused Of Sexual Misconduct With 16 Women ... (KFYR)

Magician David Copperfield is facing accusations of sexual misconduct by 16 women, including many of whom were underage and three who claim to have been ...

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Image courtesy of "WLBT"

Multiple women are accusing magician David Copperfield of sexual ... (WLBT)

Attorneys for ...

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Image courtesy of "WSAZ-TV"

Multiple women are accusing magician David Copperfield of sexual ... (WSAZ-TV)

Some of the ...

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