Oplev den sprudlende og farverige verden af queer wrestling - en blanding af glamourøse drag og overraskende takedowns! 💪
Til alle wrestling-entusiaster og queer aktivister derude er der noget nyt og farverigt at dykke ned i: Queer wrestling - en unik kombination af dragkultur og kampsport! Forestil dig fishnet tights, sølv hotpants og lange falske vipper, kombineret med veldressede kroppe, der hopper mod rebene og kaster sig ud i takedowns. Denne sjove og legende wrestling verden er mere end bare en kamp, det er en kunstnerisk forestilling, der fejrer mangfoldighed og selvudfoldelse. Fra strålende drag queens til modige kæmpere, er queer wrestling en platform for at vise styrke, skønhed og kreativitet på en helt ny måde. Velkommen til ringen - hvor glimmer og takedowns bliver forenet!
Så kom og mød det britiske wrestling kollektiv, hvor 'queer glæde' er kernen i deres performance. Med en energi fyldt med sjov og farver, bryder de normer og smelter wrestling sammen med dragkulturen. Bag de flamboyante kostumer og stærke fysikker ligger en dybere betydning - kampen for accept og mangfoldighed. Queer wrestling går ud over sportens grænser; det er en bevægelse, der fejrer forskellighed og styrke gennem avantgarde showmanship og ægte passion for kampen!
I en verden, hvor farver og flyvende body slams mødes, er queer wrestling en unik oplevelse, der udfordrer konventionerne og spreder en besked om kærlighed og styrke. Lad dig fortrylle af denne farverige verden af drag queens i ringen og brydere i glamourøse tights - hvor takedowns er fyldt med 'queer joy', og hver kamp er en kamp for frihed og udtryk!
From the blog of Becca Baitel at The Times of Israel.
Think fishnet tights, silver hot pants and long false eyelashes, then add in bodies bouncing off ropes and into takedowns. This is queer wrestling outfit ...
A few months later, that relationship ended. And a few weeks later, I came out as pansexual. So much for not being gay. “I'm terrified of dating women,” I ...
Lola Alexander and Ursula Finke both narrowly escaped deportation to Auschwitz – and after the war were inseparable.
Matte Namer of The FMs talks about the band's new album 'Pink + Black,' out tomorrow, and the legacy of group co-founder Frankie Rex.
Jackson Cooper tells The Advocate about his new book, A Kids Book About Kindness, and its universal message everyone needs to hear.
After two decades creating pioneering exhibitions, the curator decided to publish a 'sexy coffee table book' bringing together work made for clubs and ...
With durable wicker and handpainted aluminum, this four-pack of patio dining chairs is a gift that will last for years. Plus, the aluminum is rust-resistant, ...
STORY: If you're ready for some queer wrestling give me a hell yeah. Combining faux violence with fish net stockings, this is queer wrestling outfit Fist.
As U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy continued his statewide tour to combat loneliness through safe “third spaces” and in-person dialogue and discussion.
Saturday marks the 46th anniversary of the longest running queer radio show in the country — Minnesota's own “Fresh Fruit” on KFAI.
Here's a first look and clip for 'Queens of Drama,' directed by Alexis Langlois and headed for Cannes Critics' Week 2024.
Apple TV Plus's 'Palm Royale' is a comedy hit for the streamer starring Kristen Wiig, Carol Burnett and more. INTERVIEW.
The event was held on May 8 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of the Student Union. Students enjoyed free taco plates and gifts from clubs like Umoja, the Gender ...
In six of the poems in Gay Girl Prayers, a poetry collection by Canadian writer Emily Austin, there are ten girls in Heaven who take up their lamps every night.
During a late-night chat with Marissa Higgins, we discussed the claims that the US is experiencing a “renaissance” of LGBT literature—that queer books, ...
The Sun creates a trine with Lilith, forms a sextile with Neptune, and passes through conjunction with Uranus and Jupiter. Mercury squares off against Pluto.
Big Freedia and Sissy Nobby carry the torch — but the next generation is just as lit.