Læs om Kristi Noems kontroversielle beslutning om at skyde sin hund og gede i en kommende erindringsbog - en handling, der har udløst voldsom debat i politiske kredse!
Kristi Noem, South Dakotas republikanske guvernør, har sat gang i heftig debat med sine planer om at offentliggøre en erindringsbog, hvor hun detaljeret beskriver sin beslutning om at aflive en 'ukuelig' familiens hund. Mens Noem forsvarer sine handlinger og ser ud til at blive en mulig vicepræsidentkandidat for Trump, har offentligheden reageret stærkt på det kontroversielle emne.
Republikanernes potentielle vicepræsidentkandidat står fast ved sin beslutning og forsvarede drabet på hunden og en gede, som også beskrives i den snart offentliggjorte erindringsbog. Noem, der tidligere har nydt stor popularitet, oplever nu øget kritik og faldende meningsmålinger på grund af de chokerende tiltag.
Som politisk biografi skaber Kristi Noems bog om hundemordet en stor kontrovers i USA's politiske landskab. Mens både demokrater og republikanere angriber Noem for hendes handlinger, forbliver hendes position som en mulig vicepræsidentkandidat inden for Trump-lejren på trods af den intense kritik.
I det seneste politiske klima står Kristi Noem over for skarp modstand og voksende offentlig fordømmelse for hendes beslutning om at dræbe sin hund. En sag, der har skabt splittelse og diskussioner blandt politiske tilhængere og kritikere, samtidig med at Noems popularitet og politiske fremtid fortsat er genstand for intens debat.
The Republican South Dakota governor details what she says was a tough decision to shoot an "untrainable" family dog in a forthcoming memoir.
Republican vice presidential contender South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem defended actions described in her upcoming book in which she killed a dog and goat on ...
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem recalls shooting a dog and a goat in a soon-to-be released memoir.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem — a potential running mate for presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump — is getting attention again.
Public disapproval mounts for South Dakota governor and vice-presidential hopeful whose book contains gruesome account.
The South Dakota governor has seen her political caché skyrocket in recent years and is reportedly a top contender to become Donald Trump's 2024 running ...
South Dakota Governor and potential Donald Trump running mate Kristi Noem is facing backlash from prominent names within the former president's Make America ...
Comedian Matt Friend joked about the South Dakota governor's revelation in her soon-to-be released book that she shot her own dog.
A potential GOP vice presidential candidate, South Dakota's Noem is defending killing the dog after it attacked chickens, plus a goat.
Former President Donald Trump greets South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem at a rally hosted by the South Dakota Republican Party on Sept. 8 in Rapid City, S.D.. Scott ...
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's story about killing her 14-month-old hunting dog has drawn criticism from Democrats and Republicans alike and grim jokes at ...
The story of Noem shooting and killing her 14-month-old puppy named has taken a toll on the potential VP pick's public image.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem addressed on social media the backlash she received after details of her soon-to-be-released book were revealed.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem defended her "hard and painful" decision to put down her 14-month-old hunting dog, Cricket, in a new statement attempting to ...
South Dakota governor says she 'understands why some people are upset' about story of shooting family puppy but points to state law.
The governor wrote Sunday that she "followed the law" in South Dakota after facing backlash for her admission that she killed one of her own dogs.
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) has doubled down on her story about killing her dog from her memoir following backlash: 'I decided what I did.'
Dean Obeidallah found the book passage in which governor describes killing Cricket “revolting,” and predicts that 65 million dog households feel the same ...
Kristi Noem is defending a controversial account she shares in a new book about killing her 14-month-old dog, Cricket.