Ny forskning afslører overraskende fordele og spændende resultater om D-vitamin og kræftterapi.
Glem ikke vigtigheden af D-vitamin! Nye studier viser, at D-vitamin spiller en afgørende rolle i at balancere tarmens mikrobiom og forbedre effektiviteten af kræftimmunterapi hos mus. Forskere ved Francis Crick Institute, National Cancer Institute i USA, og Aalborg Universitet har fundet, at D-vitamin ændrer musenes tarmbakterier og styrker immuniteten mod kræft. En overraskende opdagelse viser, at solcreme ikke kun beskytter mod solens skadelige virkninger, men også forbedrer hudkvaliteten og øger produktionen af D-vitamin i huden. En Texas-mand har endda fået tildelt patent på sin solcremeformulering.
Det er afgørende at få tilstrækkeligt med D-vitamin, da manglen kan øge risikoen for at udvikle kræft. Professor Caetano Reis e Sousa fra Francis Crick Institute påpeger, at personer med D-vitaminmangel kan få nye behandlingsmuligheder i fremtiden.
A new study in mice found that dietary vitamin D plays a role in balancing the gut microbiome and improving the way cancer immunotherapy works to fight ...
Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Aalborg University in ...
This effect seems linked to the increase of Bacteroides fragilis in the gut, which somehow enhances the mice's immune response to cancer. Further research is ...
Mice given a diet rich in vitamin D had better immune resistance to experimentally transplanted cancers.
Texas man is awarded US Patent No. 11964039 B2 for his topical formulation.
Dietary vitamin D modulates the gut microbiome to enhance the response to cancer immunotherapies, according to a new study in mice. The findings.
Professor Caetano Reis e Sousa, of the Francis Crick Institute, suggested it could mean people with deficiencies could be given new treatments in future. He ...
In an ideal world, you'd get all the nutrients you need from a healthy, balanced diet, thus making a list of the best vitamins for teens irrelevant.
Their findings indicate that women who exhibit inadequate vitamin D levels also show higher body adiposity index and waist-to-height ratio, as well as lower ...
An intriguing new study in mice suggests that it might. Here's what that could mean for humans.
Vitamin D can also be obtained from foods like oily fish, red meat, and eggs. Earlier, research showed that vitamins can help the body retain calcium, ...
Researchers say vitamin D encourages the growth of a specific type of gut bacteria among mice -- improving cancer immunity.
Researchers have discovered that vitamin D can increase the amount of a certain type of gut bacteria, providing better immunity to cancer.
Vitamin D supplementation may decrease in-hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ...
A new study in mice has revealed that dietary vitamin D can modulate the gut microbiome to enhance the response to cancer immunotherapies. The findings.
Researchers have found that vitamin D encourages the growth of a type of gut bacteria in mice which improves immunity to cancer.