Discover how a Nature School in Brooklyn aims to open New Yorkers' eyes to nature while Lawmakers question Bank of America about controversial payments. Dive into the details!
I Brooklyn er en 'Natur Skole' startet af kunstnerkollektivet Field Meridians i et forsøg på at få New Yorkere til at åbne deres øjne for naturen omkring dem. Seks uger med workshops vil inspirere til forbindelsen med naturen. Samtidig har lovgivere rejst spørgsmål om Bank of America's godkendelse af betalinger på 158 millioner dollars, og om banken har fulgt de nødvendige procedurer.
I boganmeldelsen af 'Negative Space' af Gillian Linden diskuteres forfatteren Lynn Steger Strongs værk 'Flight' og andre værker. Anmeldelsen blev udgivet den 16. april 2024 kl. 5:00 ET.
En senatskomité har sendt en skrivelse til Bank of America, hvor de spørger, om banken har fulgt passende procedurer, før de godkendte betalinger på 158 millioner dollars. Samtidig bliver filmen 'Man's Castle' fra 1933, med Spencer Tracy i hovedrollen, genoprettet til sin originale længde og vises på Museum of Modern Art. Filmen bringer temaer som fri kærlighed og hårde tider på en usædvanligt ærlig måde.
Interessant fakta: 'Man's Castle' var banebrydende for sin tid med dets ærlige udtryk for sociale problemer. Bank of America's kontroversielle handlinger vakte stor opmærksomhed og udløste en offentlig debat om økonomisk ansvarlighed.
Six weeks of workshops hosted by the artist collective Field Meridians will try to get New Yorkers to open their eyes to the nature all around them.
Lynn Steger Strong is the author of “Flight,” among other books. April 16, 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET.
A Senate committee sent a letter asking the bank whether it had adequately followed procedures before clearing $158 million in payments.
Restored to its original length and screening at the Museum of Modern Art, this 1933 movie starring Spencer Tracy feels at once surprisingly frank and ...
My father was a long-haul truck driver. He piloted one of those eighteen-wheelers that had a horn that could raise the dead. As a kid I longed to join him ...
We're very pleased to announce the promotion of Lauren Jackson to associate editor of The Morning. The promotion reflects Lauren's central role in producing ...
Feral cats take a heavy toll on the world's wildlife, especially Down Under. The solution? Smarter traps, sharpshooters, survival camp for prey species, ...
Once a young bunhead, the acclaimed musical artist is taking the stage with the Martha Graham Dance Company. For her, it's holy grail territory.
So the book I'm writing is about why it's become so hard for Democrats to build in the places where they govern. It's not that they don't want to build.
The case will determine whether cities can arrest or fine the homeless — even if there's no other shelter. As the homeless plaintiffs wrote, this would be “ ...
The mayor's speech at a “power breakfast” was interrupted by demonstrators who stormed the stage and accused him of abandoning the working class.
On Long Island's East End, where many residents retreat to lavish second homes, some day laborers who can't afford a bed are living in outdoor encampments.
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Dear 1994 Sam Anderson: Hello. It's me, 2024 Sam Anderson – you from the future, exactly 30 years from now. (I'm explaining because you are bad at math.) ...
We're inviting illustrators from around the world to share their work with art directors from The New York Times. Apply by June 21, 2024.
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