Opdag spændende detaljer om den verdenskendte Daniel Kahneman og hans banebrydende arbejde inden for adfærdsekonomsik. Læs videre for at blive klogere!
Daniel Kahneman var en af de mest indflydelsesrige personer inden for adfærdsekonomsik og psykologi. Hans revolutionerende værker som 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' har sat standarden for forståelsen af menneskelig beslutningstagning. Kahneman, der modtog en Nobelpris i økonomi, skabte omfattende indsigt i de neurale skævheder, der påvirker vores valg. Hans venskab og samarbejde med Amos Tversky førte til en total omvæltning af traditionelle økonomiske antagelser.
Kahnemans død i en alder af 90 år efterlod et uudsletteligt aftryk på adfærdsekonomsikfeltet. Han indrømmede åbent sine fejl og opfordrede andre til at erkende deres begrænsninger. Hans sorgløse holdning og evne til at se bort fra konventionel visdom skabte et frugtbart grundlag for nyskabende teorier. Med bestseller-bøger, der nåede ud til et globalt publikum, fik han etableret sin plads som en af de mest indflydelsesrige personer i sin tid.
Daniel Kahneman efterlader en arv af indsigt og inspiration til kommende generationer af forskere inden for adfærdsekonomsik. Hans vigtigste budskab om at erkende vores mentale snæversyn og forudindtagethed vil fortsætte med at forme vores forståelse af beslutningstagning. Selv efter hans bortgang vil hans visionære arbejde fortsætte med at guide os mod en mere nuanceret forståelse af menneskelig adfærd.
Just as the pandemic was beginning to arrive in early 2020, I had a chance to visit with Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel laureate in economics who died at age 90 ...
Daniel Kahneman Wanted You to Realize How Wrong You Are ... The late psychologist gave the world an extraordinary gift: admitting his mistakes. ... I first met ...
One of the founders of behavioral economics, who incorporated human quirks into the study of how people make economic decisions, has died.
Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist who won a Nobel Prize in economics for his insights into how ingrained neurological biases influence decision making, ...
The Israeli-American's first book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, was a worldwide bestseller with revolutionary ideas about human error and bias.
Psychologist Daniel Kahneman found that people rely on shortcuts that often lead them to make wrongheaded decisions that go against their own best interest.
Psychology professor, along with friend Amos Tversky, upended some traditional economic assumptions.
Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize-winning psychologist who pioneered theories in behavioral economics, has died. He was 90.
SAN FRANCISCO — Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist who won a Nobel Prize in economics for his insights into how ingrained neurological biases influence ...
Influential Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has died at the age of 90. Kahneman's work in the fields of behavioral psychology and economics was pioneering.
Kahneman, author of the best-seller "Thinking, Fast and Slow," laid the foundation for a new field of research — behavioral economics — earning him the ...
He helped pioneer a branch of the field that exposed hard-wired mental biases in people's economic behavior. The work led to a Nobel.