Hvordan forsvinder dissidenter i Tajikistan, og hvorfor er landet på vej til at blive en stor energiproducent? Få svarene her!
I Tajikistan er dissidenter forsvundet, nogle mener med hjælp fra Tyrkiet, Rusland og Hviderusland. Landet står bag flere tilfælde af tvungne forsvindinger, der skaber international bekymring. På samme tid nærmer Rogun-dæmningen sig sin fuldførelse, hvilket positionerer Tajikistan som en betydelig energiproducent i regionen. Den øgede energiproduktion giver landet større vægt i regional geopolitik og indflydelse. Tajikistans udvikling som energiproducent har potentiale til at ændre dynamikken i Centralasien og styrke landets position i regionen.
Det er uhyggeligt at tænke på, hvordan dissidenter forsvinder i det skjulte, mens landet samtidig ser ud til at nå nye højder som energiproducent. Tajikistan står over for store udfordringer og muligheder, der kan forme dets rolle i geopolitikken fremover.
Tajikistan is guilty of multiple enforced disappearances of dissidents, often with the help of Turkey, Russia and Belarus. by Steve Swerdlow March 25, ...
Tajikistan is becoming a major energy producer, allowing it to punch above its weight in regional geopolitics.
News that four of the suspects in the Moscow terror attacks are Tajik will likely result in further demonization against people already facing poverty and ...
Russia says suspects in the Moscow terror attack came from Tajikistan, something the country denies. Tajikistan and Russia are allies, but tensions have ...
The four men charged with the massacre at a Moscow theater have been identified by the Russian government as citizens of Tajikistan.
In the days since the mass killing at the Crocus City concert hall near Moscow, blameless Tajik migrants across Russia have been subjected to threats, ...
Uniindia: Dushanbe, Mar 25 (UNI) Tajikistan stands against international terrorism and intends to fight it together with Russia and the global community, ...
The four men charged with the massacre at a Moscow theater have been identified by the Russian government as citizens of Tajikistan.
The four men charged with the massacre at a Moscow theater have been identified by the Russian government as citizens of Tajikistan.