The guardian

2024 - 3 - 23

Venskabsefterligning: Hvornår er det for meget? Opdagelsen af en massegrav under et barndomshjem og risikoen ved brug af træ til opvarmning

kaffe - kvindehad - luftforurening - massegrav - Rio de Janeiro - tarmkræft - træopvarmning

Er din ven for meget? Opdagelsen af en massegrav under et barndomshjem og hvorfor brugen af træ til opvarmning kan være farligt. Læs mere her!

At have en ven, der kopierer alt, hvad man siger, gør og endda iklæder sig ens tøj, kan være mere skræmmende end smigrende. Det er vigtigt at anerkende, at den ekstreme efterligning kan få én til at føle sig ubehagelig. Der er dog måder at håndtere situationen på, uden at afbryde venskabet helt. Og hvis man nogensinde har følt sig overvåget, tænk bare på historien om en kvinde, der opdagede en massegrav under sit barndomshjem i Gamboa ved Rio de Janeiro i 1966. En uhyggelig opdagelse, der ændrede hendes liv.

Desuden er brugen af træ til opvarmning en almindelig praksis, der kan medføre betydelig luftforurening, selv i landlige samfund. Forskere advarer om, at boligopvarmning med træ eller kul kan udgøre en stor risiko for sundheden og miljøet. Dette illustreres tydeligt af en tysk landsby, der viser, hvordan brugen af træ kan øge risikoen for kræft.

På et mere historisk plan formes vores syn på kvinder stadig af middelalderens kristne misogyni. En præsentation ved Cambridge Universitet argumenterer for, at tidlige mandlige forfattere introducerede ideen om, at den sande skønhed ligger indeni, for at kontrollere, hvordan kvinder klædte sig.

Slutteligt afslører eksklusive forskningsresultater, at kaffedrikkere har en markant lavere risiko for tilbagevendende tyktarmskræft. Et forbrug af to til fire kopper om dagen kan faktisk mindske sandsynligheden for, at sygdommen vender tilbage. Så næste gang du nipper til din kaffe, kan du glæde dig over denne ekstra sundhedsfordel.

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My friend copies things I say, wear and do, and watches my house ... (The Guardian)

You are right to feel uncomfortable, rather than flattered, by such extreme imitation. Short of cutting her off completely, there are ways to gradually ...

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Experience: I discovered a mass grave under my house (The Guardian)

In 1966, when I was 10 years old, my mother and I moved to Gamboa, a neighbourhood by the waterfront in the Port Zone of Rio de Janeiro.

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How one German village exemplifies the cancer risk from wood ... (The Guardian)

Residential heating with wood or coal can lead to significant air pollution, even in rural communities, researchers say.

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Medieval Christian misogyny shapes how we judge women today ... (The Guardian)

Cambridge talk claims early male writers introduced idea real beauty is within to control how women dressed.

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Coffee drinkers have much lower risk of bowel cancer recurrence ... (The Guardian)

Exclusive: Scientists say people with disease who drink two to four cups a day are less likely to see it return.

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No space, no power – and a hive of flaming bees: my teeny tiny off ... (The Guardian)

It is November. It is 3am and I am lying awake listening to the sound of rats chewing the electrical wires within the walls of my house.

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One to watch: Balming Tiger (The Guardian)

A tight unit with a riotous party spirit, K-pop collective are bringing their culture to the masses.

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TV tonight: a raucous night in with Mel B, Paul Rudd and Billie Piper (The Guardian)

The Jonathan Ross Show boasts a lively lineup of famous folk. Plus, a fabulous celebration of Diana Ross. Here's what to watch this evening.

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I was stunned when diagnosed with cancer. Then I had to work out ... (The Guardian)

When I got my breast cancer diagnosis in the summer of 2022 I was stunned. I hadn't imagined that I would be leaving the hospital and having to tell my family ...

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A friendship dating back to teenage years is one to treasure ... (The Guardian)

It's not easy to maintain the closeness of the relationships of our youth but friends we grew up with deserve a special effort, writes Abigail Dean.

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I've written about France for 20 years – here are my favourite places ... (The Guardian)

After a lifetime exploring the country's cities, coast and countryside, our France expert chooses her personal highlights.

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'Mum knew what was going on': Brigitte Höss on living at Auschwitz ... (The Guardian)

Her father was Rudolf Höss, the camp's commandant. He was arrested by the Jewish great-uncle of the writer Thomas Harding, to whom Brigitte gave this, ...

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Sunday with Vick Hope: 'I'll never say no to a game of Scrabble' (The Guardian)

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How Covid lockdowns hit mental health of teenage boys hardest (The Guardian)

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