2024 - 3 - 6

Byd farvel til BMI: Den nye målestok er her

BMI - børn - fedme - helbred - mentale sundhed

Forskere har fundet en erstatning for den 'forældede' BMI-aflæsning. Læs om det her!

Kropsmasseindeks (BMI) har længe været brugt som en definitiv målestok for vores helbred. Det er beregnet ud fra en persons vægt, højde og alder for at bestemme...

Livvidde-til-højdeforholdet er identificeret som en billig måler for fedme hos børn og teenagere, der kunne erstatte kropsmassen. ...

Tjek af dit barns livvidde til højdeforhold er en bedre målestok for fedme end kropsmasseindekset (BMI), viser en undersøgelse. Den simple test...

Livvidde-til-højdeforhold er en bedre indikator for fedme hos unge end BMI (kropsmasseindeks) og vægt-til-højde-diagrammer, der længe har været...

En højere BMI er signifikant forbundet med dårligere mental sundhed...

Fedme kan føre til fordomme og social stigma, hvilket kan påvirke den mentale sundhed hos personer med fedme. Forskerne tilføjede...

De fandt 'signifikante relationer' mellem højere BMI og en større antal depressive symptomer, uafhængigt af...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo Lifestyle UK"

Scientists have found a replacement for 'outdated' BMI readings (Yahoo Lifestyle UK)

Body mass index (or BMI) has long been used as a definitive measure of our health. It is calculated using someone's weight, height, and age to determine a ...

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Image courtesy of "Mirage News"

Waist-Height Ratio Outperforms BMI for Child Obesity Detection (Mirage News)

Waist circumference-to-height ratio has been identified as an inexpensive measure of obesity in children and adolescents that could replace body mass.

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Image courtesy of "The Sun"

Simple 'string test' is 'significantly better' than BMI at detecting if your ... (The Sun)

CHECKING your child's waist-to-height ratio is a better measure of if they're obese than body mass index (BMI), a study shows.The simple test —

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Image courtesy of "Tech Explorist"

Waist-to-height ratio is a better indicator of fat obesity in young ... (Tech Explorist)

For a long time, the BMI (body mass index) and weight-to-height charts have been used to determine whether a child is obese.

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Image courtesy of "Medical News Today"

Higher BMI is significantly associated with worse mental health ... (Medical News Today)

They note that people with obesity many times have to deal with prejudice and social stigma that can affect their mental health. The researchers added the ...

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Image courtesy of "Irish Examiner"

Being overweight 'significantly associated' with poorer mental health (Irish Examiner)

The researchers found “significant relationships” between higher BMI (body mass index) and having a greater number of depressive symptoms, independent of ...

BMI Celebrates Three Years of The Digital Imaging Newsletter (Yahoo Finance)

The Digital Imaging Newsletter, BMI Imaging Systems' bi-weekly email newsletter, has been providing insights and information to subscribers for over three ...

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Image courtesy of "The Sun"

Simple 'string test' is 'significantly better' than BMI at detecting if your ... (The Sun)

CHECKING your child's waist-to-height ratio is a better measure of if they're obese than body mass index (BMI), a study shows.The simple test —

Waist-circumference-to-height-ratio had better longitudinal ... (Physician's Weekly)

The absolute agreement of surrogate measures of adiposity with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)-measured body composition was examined.

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Image courtesy of "BMI, music"

BMI Austin Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary with Saxon Songwriter ... (BMI, music)

The all-star lineup of affiliates included Walt Wilkins, Owen Temple, Tina Wilkins, Bri Bagwell, Courtney Patton, and Mike McClure. Each month, BMI Austin hosts ...

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Image courtesy of "BMI, music"

Awarding-winning BMI Songwriter Helps Honor Legendary ... (BMI, music)

BMI country songwriter Tim James made the trip up to Providence recently to pay tribute to long time Rhode Island Hospitality Association CEO Dale Venturini ...

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Image courtesy of "BMI, music"

BMI Hosts Celebration for BeBe Winans' 2X Chart-Topper “Heaven” (BMI, music)

BMI gathered at its Nashville office to celebrate the remarkable achievement of longtime affiliate BeBe Winans and his two-time chart-topper, “Heaven.

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Image courtesy of "Mirage News"

High BMI Tied to Risks in Autologous Breast Reconstruction (Mirage News)

Waltham — February 21, 2024 — For women undergoing autologous breast reconstruction – reconstruction using the patient's own tissues, rather than.

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Image courtesy of "Medical Xpress"

Higher body mass index linked to complications after autologous ... (Medical Xpress)

For women undergoing autologous breast reconstruction—reconstruction using the patient's own tissues, rather than implants—the risks of overall and specific ...

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Image courtesy of ""

High BMI affects autologous breast reconstruction outcomes (

For women undergoing autologous breast reconstruction – reconstruction using the patient's own tissues, rather than implants – the risks of overall and ...

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