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UNICEF Ukraine Young People Advisory Board giver stemme til de unge i Ukraine

Børnearbejde - Ukraine - UNICEF

UNICEF engagerer unge i Ukraine i beslutninger om deres rettigheder! #UNICEF #Ukraine #YoungPeople

UNICEF Ukraine Young People Advisory Board giver de unge en stemme til at blive hørt og deltage i beslutninger, der påvirker dem og deres rettigheder. Børn og unge har ret til at blive hørt, og UNICEF Ukraine tager dette alvorligt ved at etablere et rådgivende organ bestående af unge mennesker. Dette initiativ sigter mod at sikre, at de unges perspektiver og behov er i fokus, hvilket er afgørende for at skabe en ungdomsvenlig verden. Det er et skridt fremad i retning af at opnå reel deltagelse og indflydelse for unge i samfundet.

På en anden front har UNICEF rapporteret, at omkring 84.000 mindreårige mellem 16 og 18 år arbejdede i Italien i 2022. Dette chokerende tal vidner om behovet for at beskytte børns rettigheder og sikre, at de ikke udnyttes på arbejdsmarkedet. UNICEF's bestræbelser på at skabe opmærksomhed omkring dette problem er afgørende for at styrke lovgivningen og sikre en tryg og retfærdig arbejdsmiljø for unge i Italien.

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Image courtesy of "UNICEF"

UNICEF Ukraine Young People Advisory Board (UNICEF)

Children and young people have the right to be heard and be involved in decisions that affect them and their rights. UNICEF Ukraine established its Young ...

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Image courtesy of "AzerNews"

84000 minors worked in Italy in 2022 - UNICEF (AzerNews)

UNICEF said Monday that around 84000 minors between the ages of 16 and 18 worked in Italy in 2022, Azernews reports, citing ANSA.

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Image courtesy of "UNICEF Australia"

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Image courtesy of "Egypttoday"

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Image courtesy of "UNICEF"

ADB and UNICEF join hands to strengthen climate resilient water ... (UNICEF)

Islamabad, Pakistan, 5 March 2024 — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) today signed a Letter of Understanding ...

ADB, UNICEF to promote low carbon municipal services to 1.5 ... (新华网)

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Image courtesy of "DAWN.com"

ADB, Unicef join hands for 'resilient' municipal services (DAWN.com)

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Image courtesy of "Associated Press of Pakistan"

ADB, UNICEF join hands to strengthen climate resilient services in ... (Associated Press of Pakistan)

ISLAMABAD, Mar 5 (APP): The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Tuesday signed a Letter of Understanding (LOU) ...

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Image courtesy of "The Express Tribune"

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