Fantastiske nyheder! Læs alt om vinderen af USC Scripter Awards og dens vej mod Oscar!
Amerikansk fiktion løber med sejren ved USC Scripter Awards for adapterede manuskripter. Prisen hylder de bedste tilpasninger fra TV og film samt de forfattere, der står bag det originale materiale. I år blev Cord Jeffersons 'American Fiction' kåret som det mest enestående adapterede manuskript. Dette års latinskolerens vinderne blev netop offentliggjort, og 'American Fiction' og 'Slow Horses' står i rampelyset som topvindere. Disse priser fungerer ofte som en indikator for potentielle Oscar-vindere, da næsten halvdelen af Scripter Award-vinderne tidligere er gået videre til at vinde Oscar for Bedste Adapterede Manuskript. USC Scripter Awards er en hyldest til både de adapterede værker i TV og film samt de originale kilder, og 'American Fiction' har tryllet sit publikum med en imponerende fortolkning.
A little less than half the Scripter Award winners have gone on to win the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay.
The USC Scripter Awards honor the best adapted works in TV and film, as well as the authors behind the source material.
The 36th annual USC Libraries Scripter Awards on Saturday named Cord Jefferson's American Fiction its outstanding adapted screenplay, ...
The USC Scripter winners honoring the best in Adapted Screenplays and their source material for 2023 have been announced. Here are this year's winners…
The USC Libraries Scripter Awards honor the best film and episodic TV adaptations in addition to the original source material.
For those looking for hints about the competitive Best Adapted Screenplay race at the Academy Awards, could this be something? Saturday evening brought the ...
This group of academics, industry professionals, and critics (for which I vote) is often predictive of the Adapted Screenplay Oscar race. For the second year in ...
Oppenhiemer was not up against its main competition for Sound, The Zone of Interest, so it won handily. MOTION PICTURES –LIVE ACTION. WINNER: Oppenheimer