
2024 - 2 - 29

Tyla: Den All-Time Points Scorer hos HSBC SVNS og Stjerne i Gap-kampagnen

forårskampagne - Gap - HSBC SVNS - individualitet - Jungle - mode - musik - rugby - selvudtryk - Tyla King

Fra at sætte scoringsrekorder til at bringe nostalgi tilbage - opdag Tyla's seneste bedrifter hos HSBC SVNS og Gap!

Tyla King er tæt på at slå HSBC SVNS's scoringsrekord og blive den førende kvindelige pointscorer nogensinde. Hun skinner som stjerne i Gap's forårs kampagne, hvor hendes personlige stil og kunstneriske udtryk skaber en bølge af begejstring. Med temaer fra Y2K æraen bringer Tyla sin egen unikke 'personlige touch' til Gap's kollektion, hvilket hylder selvudtryk og individualitet gennem mode, musik og dans. Jungle's TikTok-hit 'Back on 74' inspirerer til Gap's forårskollektion, hvor Tyla stråler og viser, hvordan kunst og mode forenes i en eksplosiv koreografi. Som en Grammy-vinder og ikon i musik- og modeverdenen, har Tyla sikret en plads i Gap's kampagne, cementerende sit ry som en alsidig kunstner på tværs af brancher.

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Image courtesy of "World Rugby"

Tyla King closing on HSBC SVNS scoring record | World Rugby (World Rugby)

We preview all the action at HSBC SVNS Los Angeles 2024, where the Black Ferns Sevens star could become the all-time series leading female points scorer.

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Image courtesy of "Muse by Clio"

How Tyla Helped Gap Get Its Groove Back (on 74) (Muse by Clio)

In a bold move that merges nostalgia with the contemporary zeitgeist, Gap's spring campaign featuring Tyla has ignited a wave of excitement across the ...

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Grammy-winner Tyla is celebrating self-expression and individuality through fashion, music, and dance for Gap's spring 2024 campaign. Called “Linen Moves,” the ...

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Image courtesy of "Marketing Dive"

Gap reworks Jungle's TikTok hit to show off spring linen collection (Marketing Dive)

“Back on 74,” which became a TikTok sensation, inspired new ads that emulate its music video's elaborate choreography. Published Feb. 29, 2024.

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Image courtesy of "Bona Magazine"

Tyla secures Gap campaign | Bona Magazine (Bona Magazine)

Grammy winner Tyla appeared in Gap's spring 2024 campaign. From singing hit songs, to attending fashion shows sitting next to the most prominent figures, %%

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Image courtesy of "Shots"

Gap's materials with moves | shots (Shots)

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