Den spændende opklaring af Jesse Baird og Luke Davies' forsvinden er afsløret!
AFL-samfundet er i sorg over det chokerende tab af Jesse Baird, en ung AFL-dommer, der forsvandt under mystiske omstændigheder. Efter intens efterforskning og søgning fandt politiet endelig to legemer, der menes at tilhøre Jesse og hans partner Luke Davies. Den dedikerede efterforsker, Detective Sergeant Sasha Pinazza, blev rost for sin urokkelige indsats under den desperate søgen. Desuden blev den tidligere kæreste til Jesse, Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, anklaget for dobbeltmordet på Jesse og Luke. Et frygteligt og tragisk kapitel er nu afsluttet, men spørgsmålet om motivationen bag forbrydelsen forbliver uløst og spiller stadig på folks nysgerrighed.
En anden side af fortællingen afslørede et hjerteskærende øjeblik, da en ældre mand med demens fik lov til at rejse fra Sydney til Schweiz for en sidste visit hos sin søn. Luke Davies, som var steward på flyet, udførte en hjertegribende gestus over for den ældre mand, der skaber et øjeblik af varme og empati midt i tragedien. En fortælling om både mørke og lys, der viser de dybe bindinger mellem mennesker selv i de mest uforudsigelige situationer.
AFL CEO Andrew Dillon, AFL umpire and close friend Brett Rosebury, AFL goal umpire Steve Piperno and AFL national goal umpire coach David Dixon have ...
Baird, 26, was an AFL umpire and in 2023 had moved to Sydney for work and to continue to his umpiring career.
Three weeks ago, an elderly man dying of dementia flew with his wife from Sydney to their son's home in Switzerland via Singapore for one final visit before ...
Detective Sergeant Sasha Pinazza admitted she had “barely eaten or slept” during the desperate search.
The discovery ends an almost week-long high-profile search for the remains of entertainment journalist Jesse Baird, 26, and Qantas flight attendant Luke ...
Australian police searching for the bodies of missing TV presenter Jesse Baird and his partner, Luke Davies, have found two bodies.
Australian TV host Jesse Baird and his partner Luke Davies's bodies have been found. The couple was found dead at a rural property in Bungonia near Goulburn ...
Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, a cop and ex-partner of Jesse Baird's, was charged with his and Luke Davies' murder last week.
Australian police searching for the bodies of missing TV presenter Jesse Baird and his partner, Luke Davies, have found two bodies.
New South Wales police commissioner Karen Webb told the BBC they are “very confident” that the bodies are those of Baird and Davies. The pair were last seen ...
Beau Lamarre-Condon, who dated Baird until late last year, was charged on Friday with the murders of both men.
Two cars escorted by police were driven into the crime scene at Bungonia in the NSW Southern Tablelands on Tuesday night.
Australian police on Tuesday found the bodies of a couple hours after the jilted police officer lover who allegedly shot them dead told investigators where ...
Police in Australia on Tuesday disclosed they have located the bodies of missing and murdered former television reporter, Jessee Baird, and his flight attendant ...
Australian police say they found the bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies after a police officer lover who allegedly killed them told investigators where ...
The families of two missing men have made a heartbreaking journey to a rural property where the bodies of their sons were found , more than a week after ...
Australian police have found two bodies in the search for a missing couple allegedly killed by a police officer.
NSW Police will continue investigating a property in Bungonia overnight where two bodies were found as a vigil is held for Sydney couple Jesse Baird and ...
Police are "very confident" the bodies belong to Baird and and his partner Luke Davies.
Police believe they've located the bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, after the TV host's ex-boyfriend—a police officer—was charged with their murder.
Police continue searching Bungonia property and say alleged killer Beau Lamarre drew 'a bit of a map' showing where to find bodies.
2024's Mardi Gras will be remembered as the year of pain. Not for the first time, the spectre of violence hangs over the parade. This time it allegedly ...
The officer, Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, was charged Friday with killing Jesse Baird, 26, and Luke Davies, 29, who had been missing for more than a week and ...
Australian police have found two bodies while searching for suspected murder victims Jesse Baird and Luke Davies.
The discovery ends a search that has gripped and horrified Australia. Police officer Beaumont Lamarre-Condon has been charged with murdering the couple, ...
Detectives allege police officer Beau Lamarre-Condon pinpointed on a map where the bodies of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies were located, and police rushed to ...