Ødelægger Tom Cruise og Elsina Khayrova's breakup din tro på kærlighed? Læs om deres turbulente forhold!
Tom Cruise er nu angiveligt single igen efter at have haft en romantisk forbindelse med Elsina Khayrova siden december. Parret, der blev forbundet i medierne, har angiveligt gået hver til sit, hvilket har overrasket mange fans. Tom Cruise hævdes at have været 'meget afslappet og tilfreds' med Elsina Khayrova, men alligevel stoppede forholdet brat. Rygterne om bruddet mellem den 61-årige Hollywood-skuespiller og den 36-årige russiske socialite har skabt stor interesse og spekulation om årsagerne bag split. Selvom de stadig bor i samme lejligheds kompleks, tyder alt på, at deres romance er ovre. Måske var det skiftet i tempoet i deres forhold, der førte til denne uventede uenighed. Hvad gik galt mellem Tom Cruise og Elsina Khayrova – er kærlighed i Hollywood en umulighed? Tom Cruises pludselige brud med den russiske skønhed bringer spørgsmålet om berømthedernes vanskeligheder med romantik.
Tom Cruise is reportedly a single man again. The actor was linked to Elsina Khayrova since December.
Tom Cruise is 'happy' with girlfriend Elsina Khayrova and their life in London after dating a few months.
Hollywood heavyweight Tom Cruise has reportedly called time on his romance with a wealthy Russian socialite just one week after a source claimed they had...
Tom Cruise has reportedly split from his Russian socialite girlfriend Elsina Khayrova just days after meeting her kids.
Hollywood icon Tom Cruise and his girlfriend Elsina Khayrova have reportedly split but still live in the same apartment block.
Tom Cruise has reportedly ended his relationship with Russian socialite Elsina Khayrova, pals have said.
ACTOR Tom Cruise has ended his relationship with Russian socialite Elsina Khayrova, pals have said.The Mission: Impossible hero started datingElsina.
The pair are believed to have met last December at a party in Mayfair.
The Tom Cruise break-up news follows despite his relationship seemingly going strong with now ex-Elsina Khayrova. | Hollywood.
The Top Gun actor and his Russian socialite girlfriend were only recently said to have been 'an item'
Has Tom Cruise separated from his Russian girlfriend Elsina Khayrova? We had earlier reported that the actor had things somewhat official with the Russian ...
Tom Cruise has reportedly split from his Russian socialite girlfriend Elsina Khayrova, just days after he allegedly met her children.
Hollywood actor Tom Cruise and Russian socialite Elsina Khayrova have decided to end their relationship. Reports suggest that there are no hard feelings ...
Hollywood actor Tom Cruise and Russian socialite Elsina Khayrova seemed to have called it quits on their short-term relationship.