Oplev hvordan følelsen af tilhørsforhold bidrager til unikke perspektiver og identiteter på University of Utah og i sportens verden.
På University of Utah er diversitet i den studerende befolkning en stolt tradition. Hver studerende bringer forskellige perspektiver og identiteter, der bidrager til en unik kulturel arv på campus. Følelsen af at høre til spiller en central rolle i at skabe en sammenhængende og inkluderende studiemiljø, hvilket universitetet prioriterer med en campusomspændende undersøgelse om tilhørsforhold.
For AI/ML-applikationer er objektlagring en afgørende faktor. Metadata, der indeholder attributter for indholdet af objektet, hjælper AI/ML-systemer med at finde de relevante data. Det er vigtigt at have adgang til de rigtige data for at optimere AI-processerne, og objektlagring tilbyder den nødvendige struktur og organisering for at opnå dette.
I sportens verden giver deltagelse i arrangementer som OL og Copa America mening for USMNT. Selvom OL primært består af U-23-holdet, har træner Marko Mitrovic mulighed for at tage tre ældre spillere med til turneringen. Deltagelse i disse internationale konkurrencer er en mulighed for udvikling og vækst for USMNT-spillerne.
Asian American gymnaster finder en dyb følelse af tilhørsforhold gennem fællesskab. På trods af kun at udgøre 2% af studerende idrætsudøvere i NCAA har gymnasterne Morgan Hurd, Victoria Nguyen og Leanne Wong fortsat fundet en følelse af samhørighed gennem støtte og fællesskab.
The University of Utah takes pride in its diverse student population, each bringing different perspectives and identities that contribute to a unique ...
For AI/ML applications, finding the right data is important. Metadata containing attributes of the contents of the object helps AI/ML systems find the data ...
While the Olympics will be made up of mostly the U-23 team, there is the ability for Marko Mitrovic to take three over age players to the tournament as well, ...
While Asian Americans represent just 2% of student-athletes in the NCAA, Gators gymnasts Morgan Hurd, Victoria Nguyen and Leanne Wong have continued to find ...
China last week launched an x-ray observatory with an unusual telescope inspired by the structure of lobster eyes to gather new data on gamma ray bursts, ...
Katelynn Jarrells offers advice for how faculty, staff and top administrators can help retain them by working to create a community of support.
Concert films were big business in 2023, with “Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour” leading the pack. One of the top such films wasn't by a current act but wa.
The game is so long and so deep that it's easy to refuse to move on from the opening area. Captain Picard facepalming with Karlach on the right and the world ...
The Nevada Appeal, the Silver State's oldest continuously run newspaper, first published on May 16, 1865.
If the Seattle Mariners make another move to add a bat, Jon Morosi thinks we should keep an eye on two free-agent infielders.
World Cafe visits June Audio, alongside Provo band The National Parks, to find out what makes this recording studio so key to the local music scene.
Velour Live Music Gallery and its owner, Corey Fox, have helped launch the careers of bands like Neon Trees, Imagine Dragons and The Moth & The Flame.
Wonder and a sense of adventure came through stories of explorers like Vasco de Gama, Henry Hudson, Ferdinand Magellan and James Cook. These discoverers of new ...