Kaosen på Christiansborg fortsætter! En New Zealand MP har trukket sig efter en shoplifting-skandale. Læs mere her!
Golriz Ghahraman, medlem af parlamentet i New Zealand, har trukket sig fra sin stilling som en konsekvens af stress ved arbejdet, der har ført til handlinger, som mange ser som skuffende. Ghahraman påtager sig fuldt ansvar for sine handlinger, som hun dybt fortryder. Hun har udtalt, at hendes mentale sundhed har lidt under stressen ved at være medlem af parlamentet. Efter flere anklager om butikstyveri har politiet besøgt Ghahramans hjem som led i en efterforskning.
Golriz Ghahraman er kendt for sit arbejde med menneskerettigheder og udenrigsanliggender. Efter at være blevet beskyldt for at have stjålet fra luksusboutiques, har hun truffet beslutningen om at træde tilbage fra sin stilling i parlamentet. En video viser hende diskret fjerne en genstand fra en tøjstativ.
Efter flere anklager om butikstyveri er Golriz Ghahraman blevet anklaget af politiet for to tilfælde af butikstyveri. Mens hun beklager og nævner mentale sundhedsproblemer, har tidligere grønne medlemmer forsvaret partiet under kaoset på Christiansborg.
New Zealands første flygtning-lovgiver, Golriz Ghahraman, er anklaget for butikstyveri og har trukket sig fra sin stilling i parlamentet. Politiet oplyser, at hun er anklaget for to tilfælde af butikstyveri.
Golriz Ghahraman says stress at work led her to act in ways that have let a lot of people down.
Ghahraman cites mental health concerns, and says she takes 'full responsibility for my actions which I deeply regret'
The Green MP said that her mental health had been “badly affected” by the stress of her work as an MP.
It is a great honour to serve as a Member of Parliament. I am proud of my advocacy work on human rights and foreign affairs, and particularly proud of ...
The Green Party lawmaker is being investigated by police after three allegations of retail theft that she blamed on personal stress and trauma.
Police have today visited the home of embattled former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman as part of their investigation into three shoplifting allegations . Two...
Golriz Ghahraman apologises and cites mental health concerns: 'I fell short. I'm sorry'
Ms Ghahraman announced she was stepping down after allegations she shoplifted from high-end boutiques on at least three occasions.
Embattled former Greens MP Golriz Ghahraman has been charged by police with two counts of shoplifting. “Today, a 43-year-old woman has been summonsed to...
Green MP Golriz Ghahraman is stepping down from Parliament after being accused of shoplifting on three separate occasions. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone.
Meet Golriz Ghahraman, a New Zealand Green party MP, its justice spokesperson, and a former United Nations human rights lawyer.
Former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman was filmed checking her surroundings, before discreetly removing an item from a clothing rack, video shows.
The former Green MP has been under scrutiny after several allegations of shoplifting emerged in recent weeks.
Wellington: New Zealand MP Golriz Ghahraman, the Green party's justice and foreign affairs spokeswoman, has resigned from parliament after allegations of ...
The allegations were first reported on January 10 by Newstalk ZB Plus, which stated that Ghahraman had been accused of shoplifting during the holiday season ...
New Zealand Police said Golriz Ghahraman, a former member of New Zealand's Green Party, had been charged on Wednesday with two counts of shoplifting at a store ...