Washington Post

2024 - 1 - 14

Is the Sun Taking Over McDonald's and Shingles? Weird News Roundup

Cleaning tips - McDonald's - Regifting drama - Shingles - Sun activity

Discover the latest on the sun's activity, regifted fruit drama, and cleaning tips for a less overwhelming house!

Nyhederne har været fyldt med spændende begivenheder! Virksomheder som Chick-fil-A, Sonic, Little Caesars, Tropical Smoothie Cafe og Wendy's har ikke reageret på henvendelser, mens Slim Chickens har svaret. Samtidig har solen besluttet at blive mere aktiv end nogensinde før med forventede solpletter og udbrud. På det personlige plan har en søns kærestes forældre sendt en regave til en familie, hvilket har skabt drama. Er det et krav altid at gengælde invitationer? Og hvordan kan man gøre rengøring hjemme mindre overvældende? Sharon Curhan fra Brigham and Women's Hospital giver råd om forebyggelse af helvedesild. Sidst, men ikke mindst, lukkes føderale kontorer og skoler i D.C.-området og sneen fortsætter med at falde.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Response from McDonald's and other companies (The Washington Post)

Chick-fil-A, Sonic, Little Caesars, Tropical Smoothie Cafe and Wendy's did not respond to multiple requests for comment. A response from Slim Chickens was ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Earthlings take note: The sun will be its most active in two decades (The Washington Post)

The sun's 2024 resolution came in: Let's get moving. Solar flares, eruptions on the sun's surface and sunspots are expected to multiply and intensify ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

PM Update: Light snow dusting early Monday may accompany ... (The Washington Post)

Main impact snowfall is expected Monday night ending into perhaps midday Tuesday.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Ask Amy: My son's girlfriend's snobby parents sent us a regift (The Washington Post)

Their son's girlfriend's parents are a little snooty and regifted them a box of fruit with the original card still in it.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Miss Manners: Do guests always have to reciprocate invitations? (The Washington Post)

Your statement is akin to the frequently argued one that people should give presents because they really want to, and therefore responses from the recipients ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

8 ways to make cleaning house less overwhelming (The Washington Post)

Concept paper illustration of a woman multitasking with many arms holding different cleaning supplies. (Illustration by José L. Soto/The Washington Post; iStock).

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

How to prevent shingles and what to do if you get it (The Washington Post)

Both chickenpox and shingles are caused by the varicella-zoster virus, says Sharon Curhan, a physician and epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital and ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Miss Manners: I hate being called 'dear' by strangers (The Washington Post)

Having been fired from one job for addressing a female co-worker as “dear,” I resent women in these places refusing to stop addressing me as such. To them, I am ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Federal offices, D.C. area public schools to close Tuesday, officials say (The Washington Post)

Federal government offices in the D.C. area, and many school systems in the region, announced that they will close Tuesday as snow continued to accumulate ...

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