The guardian

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Søde overraskelser og kække kommentarer fra Canterbury til København

bookstore - boomers - British Gas - Canterbury - David Chase - Deaf culture - fossil fuel expansion - hate speech - High Society - Kamala Harris - Koch network - libraries - Pope.L - Ukraine war

Tag med på en sjov rejse gennem aktuelle emner fra the Guardian! Fra boomers, der stadig regerer verden, til en spændende anmeldelse af High Society!

Chokoladeoplevelser i Canterbury, en byldt af søde overraskelser! En tur ned ad mindernes gade med en ven i en pomponhue og refleksioner over boomers, der stadig regerer verden - indtil videre. Boomers, gen Z'ere, millenials og gen X'ere deler nu arbejdspladsen, hvilket skaber en interessant dynamik. Et kig på High Society-anmeldelsen af en sprudlende cocktail af komedie og Cole Porter. En revival, der vækker Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly og Frank Sinatras film til live i en energisk opsætning. David Chase, skaberen af Sopranos, mener, at æraen med komplekse og ambitiøse tv-produktioner er forbi, mens PR-giganten Edelman arbejder med Koch-netværket til trods for klimaengagement. Med et indblik i fremtiden for biblioteker og den evige værdi af fysiske bøger. En radikal boghandel, der står over for udsættelse, og Kamala Harris, der tager imod kritik. Finale med perspektiver om Ukraine-krigen, fossilbrændstofudvidelse og livets fuldbyrdelse i en foto-essay og mysteriet om russiske kikærter fra Tesco!

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Notes on chocolate: sweet surprises on an outing to Canterbury (The Guardian)

I am in Canterbury. My friend Sarah comes to meet me off the train in a bobble hat. She has come back to England after 18 years in America: New York, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Don't laugh: boomers still rule the world – for now (The Guardian)

It's difficult to name a time in modern industrial society when four generations of workers share the same workplace: millennials, gen Z-ers, boomers and gen X- ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

High Society review – a fizzing cocktail of comedy, Cole Porter and ... (The Guardian)

The stage adaptation of the Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra film is brought to life by a full-of-verve cast in Joseph Pitcher's fine revival.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Era of complex and ambitious TV is over, says Sopranos creator (The Guardian)

David Chase says 25-year golden period was a 'blip' and he is being told to 'dumb down' productions.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

PR giant Edelman worked with Koch network, despite climate pledges (The Guardian)

Move by world's largest public relations company, uncovered by tax records, alarms climate advocates.

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The Guardian view on the future of libraries: an old question of ... (The Guardian)

Editorial: A cyber-attack on the British Library has shown how vulnerable digital archives are. It has reinforced the value of physical books and ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Radical bookstore offering Narcan and a toilet faces eviction (The Guardian)

Bluestockings, on New York's Lower East Side, is at the center of a battle over outreach to local residents dependent on drugs.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'This person should not be president': Kamala Harris takes hits in ... (The Guardian)

Hunter Walker and Luppe B Luppen, authors of The Truce, quote former staffers to vice-president in scathing assessment.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

The Ukraine war is no excuse for endless fossil fuel expansion (The Guardian)

At the close of the hottest year in history, delegates from around the world gathered at climate talks in Dubai in December and agreed, finally, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'I feel so young, so full of life': being 72 around the world – photo essay (The Guardian)

The global median life expectancy is 72 years old. As part of a photographic project looking at the global community of over 60s we take a look at the lives ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

How could I have bought Russian chickpeas in Tesco? (The Guardian)

I'm confused about the origin of some products as dried chickpeas from Sainsbury's don't say where they're from, but some basmati rice does.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'Smart' trap trial raises hopes American mink can be driven from UK (The Guardian)

Conservation groups target 'impossible dream' of eradicating invasive predators after success of East Anglia trial.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'Things were being thrown at us!' Is booing at the theatre actually a ... (The Guardian)

Katerina Evangelatos – artistic director of the Athens Epidaurus festival, which celebrates ancient Greek drama – has witnessed audiences of up to 10,000 people ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Smoking weed was an escape from the grind of motherhood. Then ... (The Guardian)

When an occasional treat turned into a daily habit and broken promises to my child, I knew it was time to quit, says writer Saira Khan.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Sober after years of alcoholism, I was about to drink again. Elton ... (The Guardian)

My addiction had almost destroyed me – and now I was on the brink of a relapse. Then I remembered how the star had turned his own life around.

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The pet I'll never forget: Touchwood the toad, with his terrifying ... (The Guardian)

I shared a room with my brother; Touchwood had his own home, complete with sunken bath. You bet I was jealous!

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Asian hornets killing off honeybees in Europe, say MEPs (The Guardian)

'Voracious predators' threaten honey production and pose risk to biodiversity, says Salvatore De Meo.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

I am Deaf and I love raves – I wish more people felt welcome in the ... (The Guardian)

Being a Deaf professional dancer can feel isolating – but my experiences in clubs made me realise I could create a dance space that would welcome everyone.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Louvre adds €5 to ticket prices as Paris prepares to host summer ... (The Guardian)

Visitors' views on increase vary as museum says the almost 30% increase is needed to cover rising energy costs.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Pope.L obituary (The Guardian)

American artist known for his epic street 'crawls' through 70s New York, who also showed at the Museum of Modern Art.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Finland must crack down on hate speech, says presidential hopeful (The Guardian)

Exclusive: Pekka Haavisto says being 'united against all external threats' is key to security amid tension with Russia.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

My wife died three years ago but British Gas won't stop pestering her (The Guardian)

After her death, I managed to deal with most connected businesses without any problems (cleaning, boiler service, electrical repairs, fire alarm service and so ...

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