The Hustle

2023 - 2 - 3

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Image courtesy of "Entrepreneur"

Here's Why Hustle Culture Is a Big Lie (Entrepreneur)

The social norm of hustle culture is a scam. The only way to ensure continued success is to take great care of yourself, prioritize your health, ...

[hustle culture]( will take you directly into burnout or backward, away from your future goals. [strengths and weaknesses]( and ultimately narrowing down which of your strengths are the most important to you and your goals. [focus on the bigger picture]( When it comes to mental health in particular, step back and assess whether your responsibilities are contributing to [counterproductive stress]( So, if you're numbers-driven and recognize that creativity is not your strongest asset, or if you're more inclined toward ideating and don't have a natural head for math, you could onboard somebody who complements your abilities rather than overlaps them. Everyone on the team then looks at each others' tasks on the wall of Post-It notes and discusses who might better take that task for themselves. Each of us writes down the tasks we complete on a typical day, and then we identify which tasks are least enjoyable and hardest for us to complete. [mind and body]( will stop you from reaching your goals. Your time is limited (and valuable), and the work is endless. In the last couple of years, I've hired a family chef, a personal trainer and a massage therapist — all with the goal of improving our physical and mental health. Your health is your engine. Instead, I suggest you carve out time to focus on your health, relationships and maximizing your talents.

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Image courtesy of "The Hustle"

Cardboard had a tough Q4 - The Hustle (The Hustle)

In today's email: Houses: Are people buying them again? Chart: Cardboard boxes and the economy. YouTube and chill: Our best clips from the month. Around the web ...

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