Deep blue sea

2022 - 7 - 10

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Image courtesy of "Vanguard"

Presidential combinations: The devil and the deep blue sea (Vanguard)

Nigerians have never been so confused and disunited as they are under the Muhammadu Buhari administration, so much that mutual fears and misunderstanding rule ...

In the final analysis, two considerations will be dominant: the region, personality and worldview of the president (not the vice president); the second is the love for power by the political actors. The faces thrown up reflect a combination of tribes and religion that it is difficult for anyone to beat the chest that his or her interest is fully satisfied. This feeling is so strong, notwithstanding that the killings, particularly in the North-West, have a large number of Muslims as targets and victims. It is in this state of suspicion among the various groups that the next President is being discussed. Nigerians have never been this disillusioned about their country, so much that the closest thing to its disintegration is the ethnic and faith identity of the faces adorning the Aso Rock Villa. THE irony of the 2023 presidential race is that the clearer the coast, the cloudier the sky.

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