The secret

2022 - 5 - 26

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Documents Shed Light on Secret U.S. Plans for Apocalyptic Scenarios (The New York Times)

Dating back to 1950s preparations for nuclear war and revised after the Sept. 11 attacks, the presidential directives are not shown to Congress.

In 2017, the Trump Justice Department repeated that reference in its own budget request, after which it fell out of the annual submissions. The directive echoed how the government barred Japanese and Japanese Americans from large swaths of the West Coast during World War II, leading to their internment. That agency, reporting to the president, could enact controls like requisitioning private property and allocating materials; imposing wage, price and rent controls; rationing; and settling labor disputes. But advocates of imposing some new limits on presidential emergency powers, with some bipartisan support, are discussing trying later this year to attach a portion to an annual defense authorization act that is considered “must pass” legislation. Another early emergency action order, from the 1950s, was readied to create military zones prohibiting certain categories of people. It is not yet clear whether the provision about emergency action documents would be included in any such step. Several of the files, provided to The New York Times by the Brennan Center for Justice, show that the Bush-era effort partly focused on a law that permits the president to take over or shut down communications networks in wartime. Underscoring how little lawmakers and the public can infer, another file, from the summer of 2008, mentioned that Justice Department lawyers were revising an unidentified draft order in light of a recent Supreme Court opinion. The newly disclosed documents show that there were 48 of the directives when the Bush administration took office; by 2008, that number had grown to 56. For example, they included directives imposing versions of martial law, censoring information crossing the border and suspending court hearings for detained people. The documents show that later versions extended from one category to seven, although their topics remain secret, and fall within the jurisdiction of agencies with different areas of focus. The disclosures constituted about 500 pages, while about 6,000 more pages were withheld as classified.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Yellen, Biden's not-so-secret weapon, sees clout diminished (Politico)

When Janet Yellen was tapped to join the Biden administration as Treasury secretary, she came with celebrity status — one of the world's preeminent ...

That means she doesn’t feel the need to have as high a profile, administration officials and people who know her say. “I think they expected this above-the-fray-ness to help carry forward policy proposals,” one advocate for tougher financial regulations said of the administration. And she hasn’t repeated Biden’s suggestion that the infusion of money has not contributed to inflation. Yellen has also said publicly that rolling back some of the tariffs imposed during the Trump administration would help ease inflation. “That is 100 percent a Treasury Department piece of business,” said the former official, who also was at Treasury during previous administrations. But she has avoided the administration talking point that the plan is a remedy for elevated inflation now — something many economists have disputed. That dynamic has frustrated senior Treasury officials responsible for tax policy, said another person close to the administration. Yellen made her misgivings known both to Biden and Klain, according to the person. On top of that, she has long eschewed the kind of political strategizing that is an important part of the job. Klain called her “an integral and invaluable member” of the administration. Among the cases they cite: She was rebuffed in her objection to Biden’s choice of a progressive law professor to be the top banking regulator within her own department. “Janet Yellen seems like this not-so-secret weapon,” said the official, who, like most of those interviewed for this story, asked not to be identified by name so they could speak candidly.

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New Documents Illuminate the President's Secret, Unchecked ... (

In 2004, high-ranking staffers in the George W. Bush administration spearheaded a holistic review of the president's emergency powers. Their goal was to refresh ...

Restricting the use of U.S. passports — a reported feature of some early presidential emergency action documents — remained on the table as of 2008. Presumably, the reference to the proclamation during the administration’s review implies the existence of documents designed to implement other statutory emergency powers, which run the gamut from anodyne to alarming, nearly four years after the attacks. The records indicate that at least one presidential emergency action document pertained to the suspension of habeas corpus. Also missing from the records is any evidence that the Bush administration communicated — much less collaborated — with Congress during its review. He suggests that this “black side” would have been discussed at a higher level of classification. This strongly suggests that the early–Cold War PEADs purporting to suspend habeas corpus had survived, at least in some form, and were part of the Bush administration’s review. Previously, it was a matter of speculation as to whether any emergency action documents purported to implement this authority. The result of the administration’s post-Boumediene revision is unknown. In response to Freedom of Information Act requests, the George W. Bush Presidential Library turned over to the Brennan Center more than 500 pages generated during this review and subsequent reviews in 2006 and 2008. In 2004, high-ranking staffers in the George W. Bush administration spearheaded a holistic review of the president’s emergency powers. Although the library withheld almost all substantive information about the PEADs under review, we have been able to reconstruct the broad contours of several of them. This frighteningly expansive language was, at the time, hemmed in by Americans’ limited use of telephone calls and telegrams.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Previously secret 'alternative' Mueller report goes public (Politico)

The Justice Department has released portions of a previously unseen alternative version of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on ties between former ...

Just before Christmas of that year, Trump granted Manafort a full pardon on the criminal charges. As a second trial neared for Manafort in Washington on other charges brought by Mueller’s team, the longtime political consultant and lobbyist agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy and obstruction of justice. At a jury trial in Virginia in 2018 on charges sought by Mueller’s office, Manafort was convicted of eight felonies, including filing false tax returns and bank fraud. Manafort and Kilimnik were later involved in polling about a peace plan that “Manafort conceded constituted backdoor means for Russia to take over eastern Ukraine,” the report says. Justice Department officials withheld large swaths of the document on grounds of ongoing investigations, privacy and protecting internal deliberations. The report details contacts between Manafort, his campaign deputy and longtime business partner Rick Gates and pro-Russian business figures.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

The secret planning that kept the White House a step ahead of Russia (The Washington Post)

A combination of advance diplomacy, intelligence sharing and military logistics helped put Ukraine in position to win the crucial battle of Kyiv.

But it was a complicated coordination of diplomatic, military and intelligence resources that pulled together dozens of nations at what may prove to be a hinge point in modern history. Biden wooed Finnish President Sauli Niinisto. He called him in December and then in January to talk about the Russian threat, Blinken said. Early on, for example, Biden concluded that the best way to derail Putin’s hope for dividing NATO would be the accession of two strong new members, Finland and Sweden. … It was not meant to be a full-scale war but a special operation” that would topple Zelensky’s government and install a pliant, pro-Moscow regime. Through the buildup to war, Biden sometimes seemed to misspeak. Burns had secretly traveled to Kyiv in January to brief Zelensky on the Russian plan, according to two knowledgeable officials. Blinken spoke to him at the COP 21 climate summit in Glasgow in early November and provided a summary of intelligence about Russia’s plans. As a result, he said, “when the aggression actually happened, we were able to move immediately.” The Ukraine threat got red-hot in October, when the United States gathered intelligence about a renewed Russian buildup on the border, along with “some detail about what Russian plans for those forces actually were,” Blinken said. “I basically had the task of telling him that we thought it was likely that his country was going to be invaded,” Blinken recalled. The initial venue was a Group of Seven foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool, England, on Dec. 11. The Biden administration’s secret planning began in April 2021 when Russia massed about 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Southern Baptist leaders release sex abuser database they kept ... (The Washington Post)

She first told SBC leaders in 2004 that she had been abused by a youth pastor who went on to serve in other Southern Baptist churches in multiple states. But ...

In 2019, Woodson wrote to the leaders of Germantown Baptist Church in Tennessee to see if they would revoke the ordination of the man who confessed to his congregation that he had “a sexual incident” with Woodson when she was a teenager. In 2018, Savage, who has not been charged or convicted, publicly admitted to “a sexual incident,” said he was “deeply sorry” and received a standing ovation from his congregation. Guidepost’s report revealed that a staff member working him was maintaining a secret list of accused ministers, including the minister’s name, year the accusation was reported, relevant news articles, state and denomination. Among them is Jules Woodson, whose 2018 allegation that her Southern Baptist youth pastor sexually assaulted her was viewed as one of the major points that led the denomination to confront sex abuse. Also, an independent third party could determine that someone was “credibly accused” by a “preponderance of the evidence.” “It at least begins to demonstrate a level of transparency and accountability.” As penalties including billions of dollars have been levied in the past 20 years against the Catholic Church, Hamilton said, other non-Catholic religious groups have argued that their structure and beliefs make them different when it comes to liability. The man she alleges abused her, who has not been charged or convicted, hung up the phone in response to a Washington Post request for comment. It’s the very tiniest thing of what needs to be done.” For survivors to heal, this kind of validation is an acknowledgment of the truth of the horror of what was done to us.” “It’s a reflection of how cruel it was to stonewall any kind of validation for decades. But the report published Sunday by the SBC said she was met with hostility when she suggested the idea in 2007.

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Image courtesy of "The Tennessean"

Southern Baptist Convention leaders publish long-secret list of ... (The Tennessean)

A top Southern Baptist Convention committee long kept a secret list of accused ministers. On Thursday night, SBC leaders finally released the 205-page list.

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee has also formed an agreement with Guidepost to maintain a hotline for survivors and others to submit allegations of abuse. That assessment will survey the issue throughout SBC churches and potentially identify cases of abuse that have not been publicly reported. This is the stuff we can take today and we’re going to take it,'" Benkert said. The list's existence was largely a secret until the release of Guidepost's report on Sunday, which revealed many shocking examples of leaders habitually blocking abuse awareness and reform. In 2007, Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee staff began logging news articles and other public reports of ministers accused of sexual misconduct. “Each entry in this list reminds us of the devastation and destruction brought about by sexual abuse," they said.

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Image courtesy of "Baptist News Global"

SBC Executive Committee releases previously secret list of ... (Baptist News Global)

SBC Executive Committee releases previously secret list of convicted and credibly accused church sexual abusers ... At 8:50 p.m. on Thursday, May 26, the Southern ...

We felt it was more important to release the list and redact rather than delay and investigate.” “The recently released Guidepost report revealed a list of alleged abusers compiled by a former employee of the SBC Executive Committee. This list is being made public for the first time as an initial, but important, step toward addressing the scourge of sexual abuse and implementing reform in the convention. Entries that do not relate to sexual abuse or that resulted in an acquittal are also redacted. “We are releasing the list in the exact form that it was provided to Guidepost Solutions by an Executive Committee staff member. The list was allegedly maintained by Augie Boto, former executive vice president and general counsel to the Executive Committee, who separately has been banned from ever serving as a trustee of a nonprofit in Texas or holding any office of trust within SBC life. All this occurred while Executive Committee leadership said publicly it was not possible to maintain a database of known abusers because of the Baptist doctrine of local church autonomy.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Southern Baptist Convention leaders release secret accused abuser ... (CBS News)

In response to an explosive investigation, top Southern Baptists have released a previously secret list of hundreds of pastors and other church-affiliated ...

The existence of the list was not widely known within the committee and its staff. He resigned May 13 as senior vice president of evangelism and leadership at the North American Mission Board, the SBC's domestic missions agency. Survivors and advocates have long called for a public database of abusers. The list also includes Baptist ministers that are not affiliated with the SBC. Among them: D. August Boto, the committee's former vice president and general counsel, and former SBC spokesman Roger Oldham kept their own private list of abusive ministers. "Each entry in this list reminds us of the devastation and destruction brought about by sexual abuse," they said.

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Southern Baptist leaders release secret accused abuser list (

The 205-page database was made public late Thursday. It includes more than 700 entries from cases that largely span from 2000 to 2019.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Southern Baptist leaders release secret list of accused abusers (Los Angeles Times)

In response to an explosive investigation, top Southern Baptists released a list of hundreds of pastors and other personnel accused of sexual abuse.

The joint statement described the hotline as a “stopgap measure for survivors” until delegates can pass reforms during this year’s national meeting scheduled for June 14-15 in Anaheim. Hunt has disputed the allegation, saying in a statement that he has “never abused anybody.” The existence of the list was not widely known within the committee and its staff. Survivors and advocates have long called for a public database of abusers. The list also includes Baptist ministers that are not affiliated with the SBC. “Each entry in this list reminds us of the devastation and destruction brought about by sexual abuse,” they said.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Southern Baptist leaders release once-secret list of accused abusers (NBC News)

Top Southern Baptist leaders have released a once-secret list naming hundreds of pastors and church workers who have been accused of sexual abuse.

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Image courtesy of "Quanta Magazine"

The Secret Math Behind Mind-Reading Magic Tricks | Quanta ... (Quanta Magazine)

Four puzzle solutions reveal different ways to divine someone's hidden number with impossibly little information.

Again S is given only the sum of the two numbers, and P is given only the product. The answer is that, as we saw in rule 3 above, 35 and 37 are not on the permissible list for s for a range of 50, because they are greater than 31 (the sum of 2 and 29, the smallest prime greater than 25). So both (6, 11) and (7, 10) will have no Y in column 4. Cutting it like a deck of cards is equivalent to cycling it around some number of times, and it retains the property that it contains all possible triplets of 0s and 1s. The first column has the candidate pair of numbers, and the second column has the product p that P would have been given. There are only five numbers in the list of products that can be generated in more than one way: 12 (2 × 6, 3 × 4), 16 (2 × 8, 4 × 4), 18 (2 × 9, 3 × 6), 24 (3 × 8, 4 × 6) and 36 (4 × 9, 6 × 6). These products are shown in red. So are 23 (19 + 4 and 7 + 16), 27 (23 + 4, 19 + 8 and 11 + 16), 35 (31 + 4, 19 + 16 and 3 + 32) and 37 (29 + 8 and 5 + 32). We are only left with 17 and 29 as possible sums with just 20 products to examine manually. For instance, s could not be 9, which is a sum of 7, a prime, and 2 which is also a prime, because their product 14 can only be factored in a single way, as 2 × 7. First, by our rule 2, s cannot be 39 which is 37 + 2 (both primes). Similarly, s cannot be the next odd number 41, because that is 37 + 4 giving the product 37 × 4 =148. The only other way to factor 148 is 74 × 2, but 74 is greater than our upper limit 70, because it is twice a number that’s greater than half of 70. 1. Since P cannot deduce the two numbers, p cannot be the product of two prime numbers. Now, P has a product of 12, so he too cannot be certain if the original pair is (3, 4) or (2, 6). At this point S is sure that the pair is (3, 4) as P would have been able to tell if it was (2, 5) because it has a unique product of 10. S is given only the sum of the two numbers, and P is given only the product. 1. When S says that she cannot deduce what the numbers are, she means that the sum she has obtained can be generated in more than one way from the given range of numbers.

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Image courtesy of "SmartBrief"

Brain-based learning is the secret ingredient to leadership ... (SmartBrief)

What are neuroscience and brain-based learning concepts, and how can we harness its power to help our leaders? Here's what you need to know.

In addition to brain-based learning concepts, there are other exciting evolutions in the world of leadership development. Make sure your training program is built from a base of brain-based learning concepts to leverage the processes that result in optimal learning. Embedding neuroscience concepts into leadership learning is like learning to swim with the current instead of against it. While classroom-style learning has a role and serves a purpose, it often stops there if leaders aren’t given the opportunity to put their skills into practice. Traditional leadership programs often bypass the crucial stage of teaching learners how to turn knowledge into application through practice. Leadership development approaches are constantly evolving —and one key emerging trend is the integration of neuroscience concepts into training programs.

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Image courtesy of "KMID - Local 2 News"

Southern Baptist leaders release secret accused abuser list (KMID - Local 2 News)

The 205-page database was made public late Thursday. It includes more than 700 entries from cases that largely span from 2000 to 2019.

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Image courtesy of "Sports Illustrated"

Who is the Jaguars Best-Kept Secret? (Sports Illustrated)

The Jacksonville Jaguars are not a team that normally finds its players listed near the top of offseason rankings, especially in the down years that have ...

He is one of the Jaguars' best run defenders and has proven he can play in virtually any scheme, giving the Jaguars a consistent defender who can set a physical tone up front. Little did well in three starts in relief of Cam Robinson last season, showing the potential to be a high-level starting tackle if afforded more playing time and development. It is Jones who Bleacher Report has tabbed as the Jaguars' best-kept secret ahead of the 2022 season.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Southern Baptist leaders release a previously secret list of accused ... (NPR)

In response to an explosive investigation, a list has been released of hundreds of pastors and other church-affiliated personnel accused of abuse.

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