MEGHAN MARKLE was likened to Emmanuel Macron's wife, Brigitte, as the two women share a tendency to be 'touchy-feely'.
If the incumbent is successful, he will be the first French president to win re-election since Jacques Chirac. In 2021, political biographer Gaël Tchakaloff gave a rare glimpse into their marriage. She added that it’s “perhaps why Meghan Markle sometimes feels the need to be motherly towards him.” “Touchy-feely is the new way and I believe Meghan will be the one to set the royal rules.” Later in the book, Ms Levin claimed that a young Harry required “lots of reassurance and understanding” as a child, and “even today he sometimes has an air of vulnerability and sadness.” Polling stations opened across mainland France for the first round of the presidential election today.
Young, pro-European and unfailingly ambitious, Emmanuel Macron has won admirers for his dynamic leadership and crisis management, but has been dogged by ...
"I'm convinced he'll launch himself as a writer, that he'll take another path. It was like he was branded with it, with hot iron." Nicolas Domenach, co-author of a recent book titled "Macron: Why so much hatred?" "My predecessor was, but I'm made for storms." "Not only did we have a 'president of the rich', but a president of contempt and arrogance. He once told an unemployed gardener that he could "cross the road and get you a job" and accused opponents of his labour market reforms of being "slackers".